192 2nd St
Cedar Key, FL 32625
Fourth Annual Workout on Waterfront
See this poster for details! WoW Poster 2020
Yoga WoW
Standing yoga, no mat needed. Starts at 7:30AM, finishes by 8AM so you can join Bow WoW!
(Please call the Chamber office with questions or to register for Yoga! 352-543-5600!)
Bow WoW
1 Mile walk/run with your leashed pooch. Starts at 8AM
Coastal Heritage 5K
Race starts 9 a.m. at Lil Shark Park (192 2nd St) in Cedar Key.
Atsena Otie Kayak Challenge
For kayakers ages 18 and above. Starts at the beach in downtown Cedar Key at 10:15 a.m., runs around and through Atsena Otie Key and back to the beach.
Invites all ages to build your own boat from recyclable materials and enter the race at G Street and 3rd Street starting at 11:15 a.m. (Boats with children require 1 adult).
Silent Auction throughout the day.